Events in Mongolia as part of the Global 2023 Youth in Evaluation Week

Here are snapshots of the 4 events in Mongolia as part of the Global 2023 Youth in Evaluation Week. This is a week of insightful conversations & meaningful connections to enhance youth engagement in evaluation. Welcome you to explore what’s in store for Youth in Evaluation week in Mongolia, 24-28 April 2023!


1. Advocacy for Manifesto signing and adoption of the Standards by international and national organization: We will reach out and meet in person with representatives around 34 of international and national organisations, present and deliver the MANIFESTO and STANDARD, and to encourage them to sign the MANIFESTO and to integrate the standards in the country programmes and strategic plans of the organisation.

2. Advocating Evaluation to Students: from 24 April – 28 April 2023 at #ШУТИС #СЭЗИС #ХААИС #МУБИС #МУИС (National University of MongoliaMongolian University of Science and TechnologyСанхүү Эдийн Засгийн Их Сургууль/University of Finance and EconomicsMongolian State University of Education and Mongolian University of Science and Technology) to help deliver on this vision.) to help deliver on this vision.


3. Capacity Building: 3-day training for its YEE members in partnership with American University‘s AU Measurement & Evaluation Program alumni will be organized within the campaign of global event “Youth in Evaluation Week”. The training includes 6 sessions and will last for 2-3 hours each day.


4. Mongolian Evaluation Case Competition and Launch of Summer Evaluation Bootcamp: We are pleased to launch the first Mongolian Evaluation Case Competition and the first Summer Evaluation Bootcamp during the Youth in Evaluation week.


Please join us from 24 April – 28 April 2023 at #ШУТИС #СЭЗИС #ХААИС #МУБИС #МУИС.

Event programme available at


Mongolian Evaluation Association – Үнэлгээний холбоо

EvalYouth Mongolia – Монгол Залуу Мэргэжилтнүүдийн Нийгэмлэг

TUSSolution LLC




