Capacity Building Training (3 day)

We have successfully organized 3-day capacity building training with six sessions on evaluation during the Youth in Evaluation Week and discussed from the fundamental introduction of evaluation to the practical analysis tools. Special thanks to our speakers Chimgee Mongol, AU Measurement & Evaluation Program Dr.Beverly Peters, Susan Cottrell, Nada Mousa, Seth Tucker, Dennis Hood for the insightful sessions.

Lastly, we are very grateful for our Young and Emerging Evaluators program Interns who contributed to the organization and made it all happen.

Mongolian Evaluation Association – Үнэлгээний холбоо – Монгол Залуу Мэргэжилтнүүдийн Нийгэмлэг

#Eval4Action #monevalassoc #youthinc #APCHub
