Youth in Evaluation Week: Summary


Join us in celebrating the successful conclusion of the Youth in Evaluation Week. From April 24-28, we focused on enhancing meaningful engagement of youth in evaluation, launching the Standards and organizing events.

During the Youth in Evaluation Week, 150 students and leading organizations such as

UNFPA Mongolia

United Nations Association of Mongolia / НҮБ-ын Нийгэмлэг

Mongolian Evaluation Association – Үнэлгээний холбоо

Cognos International LLC – Research & Evaluation Company – Монгол Залуу Мэргэжилтнүүдийн Нийгэмлэг

EY Mongolia

FinSight Corp

United Mongolia

signed the Manifesto and commit to promoting youth participation and inclusion in evaluation practices.

Thank you for making this week a success!

#monevalassoc #MECC #Eval4Youth #evalyouthmongolia EvalYouth Mongolia AU Measurement & Evaluation Program
