MEA organized 2-day evaluation capacity building workshop during the gLOCAL2023

Mongolian Evaluation Association  was honored to participate in the Global Evaluation Initiative’s #glocal2023. We hosted 2 workshop to our members and YEEs.

In the first session, Dr. Khishigt Dandarchuluun and Ms. Erdenechimeg Ulziisuren, presented on the Evaluation Methods, in particular on Impact Evaluation and Realist Evaluation. Here is the recording:

In the second session, Dr. Esther Nolton and Ms. Amy Jersild delved into international opportunities for engaging and growing as an evaluator, with a focus on perspectives from the USA. Participants gained valuable insights into the international landscape of evaluation practice, including the network of VOPEs and their role in furthering evaluation capacity. The participants discovered opportunities for professional development and reflected on their own role as MEA members in advancing evaluation capacity. Here is the recording:

