MEA Learning Session # 2023/11 with Dr. Michael Bamberger, Ms. Enkhbayar Tumur Ulzii and Dr. Raymond Gervais

MEA organized the 2nd of 4 special edition series of Mongolian Evaluation Association's Learning Session# 2023/11 with Dr. Michael Bamberger titled: "Applying a Complexity Framework to the Evaluation of Programs to Combat Gender-Based Violence (GBV): Lessons for Mongolia."

In this session, Dr. Michael Bamberger, Senior Research Fellow of the International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie); Ms. Enkhbayar Tumur Ulzii, Head of Secretariat and Secretary of the National Committee on Gender Equality; and Dr. Raymond Gervais, International M&E consultant for MERIT, presented each of the 5 step complexity framework to the evaluation with examples of gender based violence in Mongolia. Here is the recording:

#monevalassoc #genderbasedviolence #complexityframework #GBV


