Calling for Volunteers for Professionalization of Evaluation Task Force

Calling for Volunteers!

We are excited to invite our members to join the Professionalization of Evaluation Task Force (PETF) of Mongolian Evaluation Association, a group dedicated for creating the following key documents that would serve as the foundation of professionalizing the field of evaluation and strengthen evaluation practice as a profession.

- Ethical and Professional Standards for Evaluation;

- Competence Framework for Evaluators;

- Certification of Evaluation profession

Those who are interested in joining the PETF, please contact Tserennadmid Gantumur at [email protected] and send a Letter of intent to join the task force and your CV.

The deadline to apply is Oct 20, 2023.

The estimated level of effort for volunteers is three days per month. We hope you will join us in this important work.
