‘Summer Evaluation Bootcamp’ to be organized on Aug 25-27, 2023
Mongolian Evaluation Association is organizing its first annual ‘Summer Evaluation Bootcamp’ for our members in collaboration with American University's Measurement & Evaluation Program within the scope of our MoU on Aug 25-27, 2023. It is only-members event, so if you would like to become a member, please refer here: https://www.mongolianevaluation.mn/6/membership). Stay tuned for more details about the Bootcamp.
#SummerEvaluationBootcamp #youngandemergingevaluators #professionalizationofevaluation #nationalevaluationcapacity

- MEA Learning Session 2025#2 on “Sustainability-Inclusive Evaluation: Supporting the inclusion of environmental sustainability into country-led evaluation”
- MEA Learning Session 2025#1 to be held on 30 January, on 'National Evaluation Capacities Index(INCE)'
- Mongolian Evaluation Association New Year Party
- 2nd annual ‘Summer Evaluation Bootcamp for Young and Emerging Evaluators of Mongolia and China’ to be held on July 9-12 in Mongolia
- Invitation to Youth in Evaluation Champion Event as part of the Youth in Evaluation Week 2024
- MEA is participating in gLOCAL with development partners to discuss national evaluation capacities and systems
- 2nd Mongolian Evaluation Case Competition registration is open now
- Join us for MEA Learning Session 2024#5 on 'Nexus of Evaluation and System Thinking'
- APEA webinar: "The Way Forward on Professionalization of Evaluation: A Conversation on Learnings and Challenges between Latin America and Asia Pacific"
- One-day workshop on M&E skill development workshop
- Join us for MEA Learning Session 2024#3 on ''Mainstreaming Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) in Mongolia: Challenges and opportunities'
- MEA Boards to present the MEA Annual Report 2023 at the APEA's March Webinar
- Special session with a guest speaker Ms. Sonia Chand Sandhu, Principal Evaluation Specialist, Independent Evaluation of ADB
- Recording is available: MEA Learning Session 2024/02 on 'Utilization-focused Evaluation (UFE): A decision-making framework'
- Join us for MEA Learning Session 2024#2 on “Utilization-focused Evaluation (UFE): A decision-making framework” by Dr. Ricardo Ramirez, Mr. Joaquin Navas and Dr. Sonal Zaveri
- MEA Learning Session 2024/1: 'International experience with program evaluation and lessons for Mongolia' by Dr. Michael Bamberger and Dr. Raymond Gervais
- Invitation to MEA's Happy New Year Party
- Agenda of MEA New Year Party
- MEA Learning Session # 2023/13 on 'Evaluative Thinking' by Dr. Tom Grayson
- Join us for our 'Learning Session' 2023#12 on 'National Evaluation System'
- Launch of Mongolian translation of 'OECD DAC Better Criteria for Better Evaluation'
- Calling for Volunteers for Professionalization of Evaluation Task Force
- Registration for Summer Evaluation Bootcamp opened
- Agenda of the first annual “Summer Evaluation Bootcamp” is out
- ‘Summer Evaluation Bootcamp’ to be organized on Aug 25-27, 2023
- #EvaluationMorningCoffee: N.2 organized by Organizational and System Evaluation Topical Interest Group (TIG)
- Join us for MEA Summer Happy Hour on Aug 2, 2023
- MEA Learning Session # 2023/11 with Dr. Michael Bamberger, Ms. Enkhbayar Tumur Ulzii and Dr. Raymond Gervais
- MEA organized 2-day evaluation capacity building workshop during the gLOCAL2023
- MEA Learning Session 2023#10:
- MEA Leaders Retreat
- Youth in Evaluation Week: Summary
- Learning Session #9, 2023 by Dr. Michael Harnar and Ms. Amy Jersild on “Quality as praxis: Towards a deliberative formative meta-evaluation approach”
- Meeting with representatives of Ulaanbaatar City Mayor’s Administrative Office
- Call to action
- Capacity Building Training (3 day)
- Youth in Evaluation week at the Universities – Living Library
- Signed a Memorandum of Understanding with American University
- Learning Session #8, 2023 by Dr. Donna Mertens on “Increasing Evaluation’s Transformative Impact”
- Learning Session #7, 2023 by Dr. Raymond Gervais on “Objective/subjective perspectives on humanitarian interventions’ evaluations: 3 case studies"