Erdenechimeg Ulziisuren

Founder & President

Erdenechimeg (Chimgee) Ulziisuren is a CEO & Founder of Cognos International LLC – Evaluation and Research Company specialized in fields of socio-economy, market, agriculture, environment and health. Ms. Erdenechimeg has had a privilege of working as an evaluator for many of the UN agencies such as the UNDP, UNICEF, UNFPA, UNICEF and as a researcher for the Asian Development Bank, World Bank, European Union as well as for government agencies including National Statistics Office and private sectors. 

Ms. Erdenechimeg is a PhD candidate in Demography from the National University of Mongolia, and holds MSc in Social Research Methods from the London School of Economics in the United Kingdom and MA in Population and Reproductive Health Research from Mahidol University in Thailand.

Ms. Erdenechimeg is a member of Professionalization of Evaluation Task Force of International Organization for Cooperation in Evaluation (IOCE) and a member of Professionalization of Evaluation Theme of Asia Pacific Evaluation Association (APEA)